About 30 years ago, during a routine visit to my eye doctor, I learned I was losing my vision. Despite surgical attempts to save my sight, I was blind within 18 months.
Suddenly, everyday acts such as pouring a cup of coffee, putting toothpaste on my toothbrush, signing a cheque or locking the front door became a struggle. I couldn’t read the newspaper anymore, and had to take extra care walking because I was afraid of tripping or losing my step.
Simple tasks I’d taken for granted were now major challenges.
I was scared, and didn’t know what my future would hold.
While I still had some residual vision, I was referred to the Montreal Association for the Blind – now the MAB-Mackay Rehabilitation Centre. Back then, caring supporters made it possible for me to get the help I needed to move forward with my life, and the same is true today.
Thanks to your generosity and that of others, the MAB-Mackay is here for me and nearly 5,000 other clients and their families each year. The Centre provides assistance to people like me who are blind or visually impaired, to those who are deaf or hard of hearing, and to babies and children with neuro-motor disabilities.
Every gift you make to the MAB-Mackay Foundation transforms lives. Let me share what a difference you make in mine.
At first, MAB-Mackay staff came to my work and trained me on strategies to maintain my productivity. They also taught me personal care and home management skills, such as safe and proper practices in the kitchen. As part of my cooking class, I had to make lunch for a group of people – quite a task when you can’t see anything!
The moment I was officially “awarded” my white cane, I truly understood that blindness was permanent for me.
The reality that I’d be blind for the rest of my life really hit me at the graduation ceremony from my orientation and mobility training.
But the MAB-Mackay prepared me on so many levels. I’ll never forget my sense of pride the first time I took the train alone from my home to work downtown.

Your next donation can make essential life skills training like this possible for other MAB-Mackay clients.
I can’t say that my journey didn’t have its dark moments. There were times of hopelessness, anger, fear and sadness over the loss of my vision. But the MAB-Mackay played a major part in helping me develop confidence in my abilities and encouraged me to keep pursuing my dreams.
Thanks to you and the MAB-Mackay, I’ve become a successful husband, father and professional. I’m proud to say I’ve been married almost 40 years and have two wonderful daughters. I have an MBA and a fulfilling career with a major airline where I coordinate detailed projects and manage a team of up to 20 people.
Without the MAB-Mackay I don’t know where I’d be, and I still count on its amazing team for guidance and care.
I’m proof of what the MAB-Mackay is all about: Real People. Real Stories. Real Success. You can change more lives like mine by making a gift to the MAB-Mackay Foundation today.
Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to lead a life of dignity and respect, and for not allowing my blindness to be an obstacle to my happiness and success. Thank you for supporting the MAB-Mackay!