Constraint Induced Movement Therapy Day
The MAB-Mackay operates a variety of specialized day camps, designed to take advantage of an environment and intensive schedule to support the development of specific skills in children with physical disabilities.
Summer is an ideal time to offer these programs, as there is no conflict with school or extra-curricular activities, and the children are more invested in the program goals. Furthermore, it allows for more effective measure of progress in real time, both pre- and post-activity.
A few summers ago, MAB-Mackay introduced an innovative new day camp that specifically targets children with hemiplegia, an asymetric form of paralysis or weakness that affects one side of the body.

Throughout the duration of the camp, the child’s more functional arm is restricted with a restraint in order to build control, coordination and strength in the affected arm. Through this exercise, the brain develops new strategies to perform activities of daily living these children find challenging, such as putting on a bathing suit by themselves, brushing their hair, tying shoelaces, and cutting paper, to name just a few.
Ten year-old Matty, who’s paralyzed on one side of his body and is partially sighted, has attended this special camp twice in the past years. His mother reports real improvement in many basic functions. “The camp gave him moments when he feels normal. Every day he came home and was proud to show his ability to use his left arm and hand better. The camp also gave him confidence to perform certain tasks independently, and take this to school with him in the fall.”
This innovative day camp was made possible through the generosity of donors including Bombardier Aerospace Employees Fund, Malouf Family Fund, the Peacock Family Foundation, Fondation Fournier-Éthier, Industrial Alliance, and the Télio Foundation.